Memorize Your Fretboard & Understand Theory
Memorizing the fretboard is one of the toughest areas of learning the guitar that you will encounter. Mainly because it’s not as fun as playing your guitar. But it’s a double-edged sword that will eventually bite you in the butt if you never take the time to focus on it. As for Music Theory, well that’s just plain terrifying!! Well, I’m ready to pull the mask off the monster and show you it’s not as scary as you first thought.
I meet guitarists every day that feel frustrated when they try to figure out where to begin with music theory and fretboard memorization.
Should you learn the notes first, intervals, modes, chord or scale construction?
The truth is, most beginner players don’t really need to focus on this stuff “in the beginning”. They just need to learn the fundamentals of playing (learning chords, strumming, scales, arpeggios, rhythm etc).
But then there’s the players that know all that stuff, but they still feel stuck. That’s usually the phase of guitar where you can play a bunch of songs, solos and even improvise a little, but you still have no clue what you’re actually doing.
I cringe when I see ads on Social Media telling guitarists that they don’t need to learn Music Theory, but to just learn (insert scale shape, pattern or chord progression). Or even worse, they say “Just play by feel bro”. That tactic is told to sell students on the “Instant Gratification” sales pitch. This really hurts the intermediate guitarists who continue to put off learning the foundational music theory that would actually make them understand how to replicate musical ideas at will.
Music theory is important, the past 500 years worth of music has been built around some pretty basic concepts. It’s well worth it to learn this stuff, even at a basic level.
This is where my training course & the Fretboard Memorization Deck (guitar flash cards) enter the picture. This course is designed to help you navigate the swamp of music theory as it’s applied to guitar, in an organized approach. The flash cards are your study guide (sold separately).
Throughout the course, you will get ALL the material:
Video Instruction
PDF Handouts
Training Exercises
Access to our Private Facebook Group
Bonus Guitar Pro 8 Discount Code
Everything that is needed to get the fundamental music theory memorized in your head, and applied to your guitar.
What I won’t do is lie to you and say that it’s going to happen fast or that it’s easy. This will take some time and dedication, and although you could watch the whole course in about 3-4 hours. I would highly recommend against doing so. Take your time, and let the material sink in.
Knowing how to apply & integrate what you have learned will propel your guitar playing into the “strat-osphere” (See what I did there) :)
Finally Memorize Your Fretboard
***Guitar Flash Cards are not included with this option, this is for the course alone. Limited Pricing - The price WILL go up soon so get in ASAP to take advantage of this price! Get access to our growing collection of classes, livestreams, and exclusive content. Live streams will occur every month to answer questions and help you gain full understanding of your guitar. Bonus items will be added every month that include practice routines, backing tracks, exercises and more!
Music Theory Demystified
Music theory is beautifully intertwined in the fretboard. Thousands of guitar players around the world have purchased my “Fretboard Memorization Deck” with hopes of finally getting music theory into their heads in a convenient way. But for many of those guitarists (maybe you’re one of them), they found concepts and terms within the deck that they never heard before, or “have heard before, but don’t understand yet”. For the past few years, I’ve been working on creating the Fretboard Theory Course with the hopes of giving guitar players a solid structured foundation into music theory that I just don’t see other courses offering. You don’t need the deck to take the course, but if you want the portable study guide that goes along with this course, I highly recommend you purchase the deck.
I wanted to create a course you could come to and find answers, but also be unexpectedly enlightened.
What’s Inside The Course?
This course consists of 12 Chapters that are broken into 60 lesson segments with about a running time of 3-4 hours.
The fundamentals of Music Theory, as it’s applied to the guitar.
The survival guide of what chords you MUST know to be a successful guitarist.
The most important chameleon scales that confuse everyone (don’t look that up, I coined that name for this course lol)
How to find intervals in a simple, repeatable way.
An introduction to incredible harmony understanding that will allow you to start writing songs and breaking down things you already know.
Why some chords are major and others are minor? It’s not what you think.
Much more that you’ll discover within the course!
Bonus #1
Gain access to our Private FaceBook Group.
Here you’ll be able to get answers to all of your questions
Live stream at least once a month!
Bonus #2
Guitar Pro 8 Discount
***Guitar Flash Cards are not included with this option, this is for the course alone. Limited Pricing - The price WILL go up soon so get in ASAP to take advantage of this price! Get access to our growing collection of classes, livestreams, and exclusive content. Live streams will occur every month to answer questions and help you gain full understanding of your guitar. Bonus items will be added every month that include practice routines, backing tracks, exercises and more!
Richard is the owner and head guitar instructor at Tuned In Guitar Lessons, located in Miami, FL. His company Tuned In Guitar Lessons started in 2014 and has helped thousands of guitarists at all levels learn how to play guitar, memorize music theory and understand their fretboards. In addition, Richard is the owner and creator of the Fretboard Memorization Deck (guitar flash cards) which is a top seller in the musical education section on Amazon. He is also the creator of this course :)
If you’ve already purchased my Guitar Flash Cards, then you can be sure I’m at least a real person, and one who’s put out a high quality physical product. This course was designed with that same standard in mind. I wanted to produce a high quality course for players looking to get into music theory based around the content in my guitar flash cards, which I find to be essential. It’s an all in one stop for your fundamental guitar theory. In addition to a full breakdown of each card in the deck, I’m also going to share with you my exact explanation of why the material is what it is, along with additional insight about how it applies to your instrument, and why this is essential to know. That said, the cards are not required to take this course.
Reviews 〰️
“Started learning at over 50 years of age and seriously thought it was too late and that I would tire of it and not learn much. I could not be more wrong. Rich’s style of teaching, which targets techniques that get you playing and improving fast while at the same time increasing your understanding of theory, had me playing whole songs that I had loved for years in a matter of weeks. His method provides a clear path to continued growth, with a methodical yet enjoyable way to master skills like soloing and even improvisation . He is a truly gifted instructor who loves what he does, and it clearly shows in the results he helps his students acheive”
“The cards are very well made and sturdy. They travel well. The subjects covered are good reminders any guitarist should review. Knowing these cards contents gives you a solid basis for continued learning. All good.”
“I find this deck super easy to use, and it feels very straightforward. Having a background in music theory, this really helped everything click for me as far as translating theory to the fretboard. I don’t think theory knowledge is necessarily a need to use this deck, but I feel like a basic knowledge of theory would certainly help. I recommend this for any beginner guitarist.”
“The cards arrived sooner than scheduled. They are the size and feel of normal playing cards which is nice so they look like they will withstand a lot of use. But a strong warning: these are not for solo beginners. A teacher or musical friend will likely be needed to help a total beginner to understand some sections of these cards. The seller states this in print and in the video that is provided on his Amazon page. These cards are packed with info and can help with far more than just memorizing the guitar neck. Included are intervals, scales/modes, symbols, chord shapes and basic theory. And included is access to an instruction PDF that is a nice touch. I look forward to giving them lots of use.”
“I really enjoy these. I usually take them with me on flights, the dealership, or anywhere I can’t take my guitar. They’re pretty well made and designed. I like quizzing myself with the cards and then translating it to the guitar when I get home.””
“Richard is a very good teacher. He is able to make difficult musical concepts easy to understand and also have fun in the process. I like the way the classes combine theory and practice and how it pushes you to get better.”
No, the guitar flash cards are sold separately and can be found at the links below:
Click Here to purchase the flash cards in the USA on amazon
Click Here for overseas students to purchase the flash cards on etsy.
This course is for designed for guitarists who have completed the initial beginner phase of guitar. These players can most likely play several songs, their open chords, major and minor bar chords, maybe a few scales and are stuck understanding music theory and are ready to take their knowledge and playing to the next level.
This course is not for absolute beginner guitarists who just bought their guitar and are looking to learn songs, chords etc. The course itself doesn’t teach you how to play guitar, that will be in another course in the future.
This is the course for you! We will start from the ground up. You will learn the fundamentals first, and then we will get into more in depth concepts.
This is a self-paced course. You will want to make sure you don’t move on to new sections before you understand the current section you’re on. Though the course itself lasts about 3-4 hours, there are exercises, handouts, play alongs etc that you will want to be able to complete before advancing to other sections. Doing so will ensure a successful understanding of the information. That said, you will be working with these concepts your whole life. It will become a part of you as a musician.
You do not need the “Fretboard Memorization Deck” to complete this course. That said, the guitar flash cards are the study tool designed for this course, sold separately.
This course does not teach any songs, rather it focuses on music theory concepts. There will be a different course in the future that will include songs.
If you make the 1 time purchase, you can come back anytime and pick up where you left off :)
The subscription option will keep the course and all bonus material active for as long as you're subscribed. You can always restart the subscription again later if you stop for any reason.
There are no refunds for this course. If you’re serious about learning, this course WILL deliver. If you took classes with me in person, you would pay 2x the cost of this course for one month’s tuition and we more than likely would be working together on this material for months if not years. That said, the value packed into this course far surpasses the price tag, and you will have the chance to join our FB group to get all questions answered.